Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Le Abode, Part Deux

Yet another episode of "Arrested Development" on CBC, but before I could settle in, "Ding!," the doorbell.

My landlady is standing there, sheet of paper in her hand.

"Hello, I have your little note," she said, seemingly a little more injured than angry. I had posted a note on Craigslist Montreal, looking for a another place, but as the current frontrunner for the Nobel Prize in Really Not that Smart, I didnt realize that she is on that site regularly. That's how I found this place. ("And the winner is...)

"If you're not happy, you can go," she said. "We can reimburse you, but I am going to Switzerland this weekend, so I need to know right away."

8:30 p.m. I am on the wrong train, headed out to see an apartment (" ..from Los Angeles, California......"). When I finally put 2 and 3 together, I am atop a 22nd floor balcony scoping out the view of Montreal to the east. The tentative new apartment is the polar opposite of this house--a Downtown high-rise. Its complicated, but if this works out, I'll be there next week. She is seriously gonna have to do something about all that Barbie furniture, though.

Hey, the Nobel Prize...isn't that awarded in Switzerland?

1 comment:

lauren said...

Barbie Furniture??????


ahahaha!!! JK!!!

Seriously Dude, do you want me to call Mattel for you? I will!!! ahahaha!!! Oh, and watch out for lead paint!!!

Oh, I know: maybe she's got some Ken accessories in the storage closet. GI Joe? Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Maybe? Oh, I know: The Beatles!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!

Good luck wid all dat!!!

Midge Doll

ps--I promise not to use any more !!! for like uh...seventeen years (at least) or something like that, yipes.